Can be controlled using an Automatic Injectable System Blood glucose levels

It was a task for people living with diabetes to manage blood glucose levels. There are many new devices and techniques that help these patients to manage glucose levels easily. Recently, an artificial base of insulin can be released as a response to the immediate changes in blood glucoses levels by a research team of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.

The insulin was chemically modified by the team and was attached to glucosamine. It could then attach to glucose conveyors of the red blood cell surface and bind insulin to the blood cell effectively. They eventually get an insulin covered red blood cell. The fundamental thinking is that the blood cells that carry insulin can then be injected into a diabetic patient. This study was conducted on diabetes type I mice.

The blood cells loaded with insulin interact with their environment after they enter the bloodstream. Glucose, molecules replace glucosamine effectively in the glucososa transporters of your blood cells if there are high levels of glucose. The glucosamine is released from the blood cell. The insulin is released. This allows insulin to bind to muscle, fatty tissues, and liver insulin receptors and stimulates a path to decrease blood glucose levels.

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The team evaluated mice obtaining blood cells and modified insulin system in this study against three other groups: a group receiving only modified insulin, a group receivers of saline solution and a group receiving a mixture of red blood cells and unmodified insulin. The experiment showed that blood glucose levels could be considerably decreased for more than 2 days by diabetic mice type I that had the blood cell and modified insulin system.

In addition, the team in a healthy mice group studied each of the drug combinations. The risk of hypoglyceemia was found to be lowered in compared with the other drug combinations with the blood cell and modified insulin system. The researchers now intend to validate a microneedle injection system for releasing the system and hopefully evaluate its efficiency on people in the near future.

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