California Permits Are Going To Stay Suspended For Many Weeks

Close to 4% of the state marijuana permitted for business in California are going to stay suspended a lot of weeks after the regulators had put over 400 in limbo for non-participation in the system training of track and trace. The suspended number of permits have fallen though are still sizable. As of this Tuesday the 277 permits of 407 had not received the reinstatement to the status of active as per the licensing data of the state. The ones which remain are a mixture of the businesses which are not in the system or are not in operation as per the BCC spokesperson.

The observers of the industry suggest that the licensed marijuana supply chain is not going to experience fallout majorly from the suspensions of permits as many of the companies of cannabis involved were not operational currently or had cancelled their business ventures. Or in case they are operational, the businesses of marijuana can get through quickly through the reinstatement process for permits as per the industry officials. There are as many as 7,214 cannabis companies in California which are state licensed so the suspensions are representing only less than 4% of the supply chain which is legal.

For close to a quarter of the permits which are suspended, it was a simple fix which took only half of one day who is the communications director, Josh Drayton. However that is also a part apparently of the supply chain which had not yet been operational as per the analysis of a lot of the participants. Many of the remainder of these suspensions is appearing to be in works still or have perhaps cancelled these ventures completely.

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